Trona Road

Trona RoadThe North Mojave Desert is a sightseeing wonderland. These odd formations are inside the Trona Pinnacles, off of Hwy East of Ridgecrest CA.

Trona Road is a red paved route that runs from Red Mountain @ Highway 395 east to the town of Trona, California, then thru Panamint Valley & on to the western borders of Death Valley National Park.

Spangler Hills OHV Area is a popular off -roaders camp & a huge network of dirt roads can be found to the west of Trona Pinnacles. The access road to the bizarre dry lake is # miles long & graded dirt w/rocks. Passenger cars can handle it, but not recommended in rainy weather.

Allegator painted rocks, old mining claims, dirt trails everywhere & a chemical plant in Trona. Keep driving north to connect with Death Valley  National Park. Wildrose Canyon, Panamint Valley & Ballarat ghost town are worth it.